How it works?
Earning money with luckspin is as easy as pressing the spin button and start generating income, you can earn up to $500 daily depending on your account rank.
Get started with free 1x daily spin and start earning up to $0.68 daily, with nothing to lose. Refer friends and get 10% bonus when they spin.
Start earning today, no investment neccessary.
Register a new account to claim a spin or login to an existing one.
luckspin participants make money by spining the luckspin wheel. Each time the wheel is spun you get allocated a cetain amount.
The amount you earn depends on your account rank, ranks are listed below from low to high value.
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $2.04
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $12
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $30.6
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $71.4
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $150
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $270
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $600
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $1800
Rank Packages
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $12
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $30.6
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $71.4
Maximum Daily Earning Amount: $150